# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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Friendly: | 0 |
2005-08-17 [Lust]: Aww! Thank you! Your up if you haven’t noticed... Can you help recruit people?
2005-08-17 [Dead Girl]: your welcomes! and yes i did notice... sure I can put a banner or something up in my wiki seeing how alot of people go to my wiki...lol
2005-08-17 [Lust]: Hm? Whats your wiki? And any close friends or anything ask! This place has practicly died!
2005-08-17 [Dead Girl]: my wiki is love the living dead girl sure I can do that =D
2005-08-17 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: idk i just like sayin grrrr
2005-08-17 [Lust]: Awesome! And thanx!
2005-08-17 [Lust]: Thats nice Dark Rain Turtle...
2005-08-17 [Dead Girl]: lol
2005-08-17 [Lust]: ANYWHO!! I'm so bored.. WERE ARE PEOPLE!?
2005-08-17 [Dead Girl]: im right here....
2005-08-17 [Lust]: Eh, not only you! =P we need more active members, I'm thinking about getting rid of the unactive members, but it would be so empty O.o
2005-08-17 [Dead Girl]: ehh yeah i would think it would be...sorry i wasnt in here a few days ago its just ive been really sick and now im better so im back..haha
2005-08-17 [Lust]: Oh, thats alright! Just a lot of people.. NEVER talk here, sometimes I'm gone for a week or so, but always come back, well now that skool should be starting for most people it may be more active...
2005-08-17 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: ROAR>>>>>>
2005-08-17 [Dead Girl]: hmm maybe
2005-08-18 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: meow
2005-08-18 [Lust]: Umm.. bark?
2005-08-18 [Dead Girl]: uhh...squeek!
2005-08-19 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: CHEESY FRIES!!!!!!!!!
2005-08-19 [Dead Girl]: =O wheres cheese fries??
2005-08-19 [Lady Moon Dark]: Cheese fries are good, esp with a special dipping sauce you can get at a restraunt here calle The Training Table.
2005-08-19 [Lust]: They sond good, I like cheese on my chicken fingers O.o erm... PEOPLE TALK! YAY!
2005-08-20 [Dead Girl]: no ranch on chicken fingers and i loveeeeeee chili cheese fries =P
2005-08-20 [Lust]: LMAO! We should have a mafia restrant in here! O.o With a menu.. Some one make a menue and I will! WOO WHOO!
2005-08-20 [Dead Girl]: haha alright =P I'll try and make the menu you just gotta let me know what ya want on it!
2005-08-20 [Lust]: Ask the people! *pokes* I'm starting to like you =P (as in helpfullness)
2005-08-20 [Dead Girl]: aww thanks =D Alright peoples what ya wanna eat!!???
2005-08-21 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: maybe i shouldnt have said that(lol)
2005-08-22 [Lust]: lmao! to bad for you! Umm.. cheese!
2005-08-22 [Dead Girl]: lol
2005-08-22 [Lust]: The dom loves cheese! O.o He is so funny when it comes to cheese and penutbutter O.o
2005-08-22 [Dead Girl]: lol ok
2005-08-23 [Lust]: *sighs* Yeah so anyways..
2005-08-23 [Dead Girl]: need more food people!!
2005-08-23 [Lust]: Erm.. I think you should pm them each reminding them their in the mafia and shtuff O.o
2005-08-23 [oH eM gEe its Erica*]: Hi i'm Erica....ohh how about i be the Weapon supplier?
2005-08-23 [Lust]: Hmm, sounds good!
2005-08-23 [Dead Girl]: lol
2005-08-23 [Lust]: Eh, I'm just in a cheery mood.. Now I just need everyone to want me as a dom and not the monkey... LA LA LA LA Didnt say that!
2005-08-23 [Dead Girl]: lol
2005-08-24 [Lust]: Well its true!
2005-08-24 [juggalo4444]: hey how do i join
2005-08-24 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: riiiiiight anyway i had cheese the other day^^ hee hee im special
2005-08-24 [Lust]: You talk to me.. To join.. And yes, right.. I am god in this wiki! BOW!
2005-08-24 [Dark Mystik Rain Turtle]: *bows* why am i doin this??
2005-08-24 [Dead Girl]: lol -curtseys-
2005-08-24 [Lust]: Because I am God? Eh that was fun.. So wat cha all up to?
2005-08-24 [Dead Girl]: sleep...lol
2005-08-24 [Lust]: Your up to sleep.. ant you so excitting? *poke poke* Damn this wiki needs to live again!
2005-08-24 [Dead Girl]: im alive
2005-08-24 [Lust]: GET THE OTHER PEOPLE ALIVE!!
2005-08-24 [Dead Girl]: hmm i can try...lol
2005-08-24 [Lust]: DUM DUM DUMMMM!
2005-08-24 [Dead Girl]: lol
2005-08-25 [Lust]: Anywho..
2005-08-25 [The rated r superstar]: Hello my names delphic id love to be the Head Mafia Goon
2005-08-25 [Lust]: Okay! Your going up!
2005-08-25 [Sexy Rocker Guy]: Hey, my names Jeremy, and Im up for pimp
2005-08-25 [Dead Girl]: lol
2005-08-25 [Umino Katsuro]: hey can i join the mafia ... as assassin im really good with a dagger
2005-08-25 [Lust]: Already then! PEOPLE! Lets hope they keep talkin!
2005-08-25 [ShadowmasteR]: im shadowmaster, and im hoping to be an assassin. LOCK AND LOAD BIATCHES!!!!!
2005-08-25 [Lust]: Erm.. One way of saying hello..
2005-08-25 [ShadowmasteR]: hello. sorry, just in an odd mood right now
2005-08-25 [Lust]: Awesome, tis all good! O.o I'm listening to NIN and goin crazy! BUH HA H!
2005-08-25 [Lust]: Hope everyone reads this.. Who is active! lmao..
2005-08-25 [ShadowmasteR]: so...what now?
2005-08-25 [Lust]: Really, we wait untill I get this damn mafia back active! Get it booming, get lots of active members! Invite friends...! I should start a contest.. Who ever gets the most people if its a guy, gets to see my boobs, if its a girl... She can.. I dont know, something.. Hows that sound? Good? GREAT!
2005-08-25 [Dead Girl]: lol
2005-08-25 [Lust]: O.o
2005-08-26 [rastaman]: ill go for that contest./:-)
2005-08-26 [rastaman]: any and all of the family is welcome at 'The Rebel' Bar and Smokeshop
2005-08-26 [Dead Girl]: hmmm
2005-08-26 [Lust]: YAY! Okay! Start trying to get people.. While I figure out prizes O.o
2005-08-26 [Lady Moon Dark]: Some of us have to work, we can't be on everyday.
2005-08-26 [Lust]: I work, dont make excuses unless you work 24/7 with no sleep or eating. Gah! I have friends that have three jobs and still have time.. So what,do you have five jobs? Good for you.
2005-08-27 [Umino Katsuro]: hey im here
2005-08-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: phssh someone got my job..-__-
2005-08-27 [Lust]: Erm.. Yeah well be more active, and be a suck up and make me like you =) gah.. I broke a nail.. ANYWAYS! We need a topic!
2005-08-27 [ToxicLife]: can I join this family??
2005-08-27 [Dead Girl]: wow im not here for one nite and i come back and holy shyt its all active!!
2005-08-27 [Umino Katsuro]: how is everyone
2005-08-27 [Dead Girl]: What is ya favorite food??
2005-08-27 [Umino Katsuro]: pizza is the best
2005-08-28 [Umino Katsuro]: lol
2005-08-28 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *throws random potatoes in the air, potatoes fall, and is hit (randomly) by them*
2005-08-28 [Lust]: *blinks* Yes.. PEOPLE! IT LIVES!! WOO WHOO!!! And yes you can join... If I say so
2005-08-28 [Lust]: The mafia! Dumb ass!
2005-08-28 [Dead Girl]: okies....hehe need more food =P makin the menu ;)
2005-08-28 [Lust]: umm.. CANDY!
2005-08-28 [Dead Girl]: uh what kinda Candy?
2005-08-29 [Lust]: ALL!
2005-08-30 [Dead Girl]: lol
2005-08-30 [Lust]: ROAR ROAR ROAR! The Dom i a retard!
2005-08-31 [Sinister Intrigue]: *walks in and sits down at the bar* Someone pour me a fuckin drink! It's been a long day...
2005-08-31 [Dead Girl]: hmm
2005-08-31 [Lust]: Do it yourself bitch!
2005-08-31 [Dead Girl]: yeah fucker!
2005-09-01 [Lust]: Buh ha ha!
2005-09-02 [Dead Girl]: lol
2005-09-03 [Lust]: And its dead in here again!
2005-09-03 [Dead Girl]: yeah i see that..lol sorry i havent been on that much just been kinda busy..lol and im still workin on the menu!
2005-09-03 [Lust]: YAY! your the best!
2005-09-03 [Dead Girl]: lol thanks...i need more food or something for this menu..lol
2005-09-03 [Dead Girl]: hmm what kind of drinks??lol
2005-09-06 [Lust]: Umm.. shugar ones!
2005-09-07 [Dead Girl]: lol like...
2005-09-08 [Lust]: Pop!
2005-09-08 [Dead Girl]: pop???
2005-09-09 [Lust]: Er.. yeah?
2005-09-10 [Dead Girl]: oh haha aint that the northern way to say soda??
2005-09-11 [Lust]: LMAO! Yes, sorry!
2005-09-12 [Dead Girl]: lol sorry my bad..lol
2005-09-12 [Lust]: Tis kay!
2005-09-13 [Dead Girl]: okies =D
2005-09-13 [Lust]: O.o
2005-09-13 [Dead Girl]: yup
2005-09-14 [Lust]: nop?
2005-09-14 [Dead Girl]: huh?
2005-09-19 [Gecko Graves]: I have just left a message with the don explaining my retiriment from the EP Mafia, i've been here since the begining when it was only the don and his wife, and i wish all of you the very best. also while i am on the subject of leaving, i will be neeing somebody to take over my own project the elfpack anarchists please have a butchers and if you are intersted in making it your own, please message me a.s.a.p thanx all :D
2005-09-20 [Umino Katsuro]: hey whats up everyone sorry i havent been on as of late but i have been very busy with some business i had to take care of.... anyway i am back ... so weep no more!
2005-10-22 [Lady Moon Dark]: Same here.... can't say for how long though....
2005-10-23 [Dead Girl]: hmmm
2006-01-16 [Lust]:
2006-01-16 [B-Raz]: hello everyone I am the new merc
2006-01-16 [Frosty French Fry]: BOO...IM BACK
2006-01-16 [Lust]: IT LIVES! *hugs you both*
2006-01-16 [B-Raz]: lol you sound suprised by that lol
2006-01-16 [Frosty French Fry]: haha
2006-01-16 [B-Raz]: wow ya know if I had known there was a mafia on here i'd have tryed to join sooner lol
2006-01-16 [Lust]: But dont join both, we may be smaller, but we are betetr *Nods*
2006-01-16 [B-Raz]: lol i'm sorry betetr? lol yeah I agree :D
2006-01-16 [Lust]: Better, bah! I'm so tired..
2006-01-16 [the_puetzj]: I have returnethed
2006-01-16 [Lust]: Yay!!
2006-01-16 [Kaze]: Now... to seduce the infidels... *scurries off*
2006-01-16 [Lust]: Oi..!
2006-01-17 [the_puetzj]: and who exactly would that be?
2006-01-17 [Lust]: He is the 'Prostitute Assassin'
2006-01-17 [Frosty French Fry]: WHOA! Hold up Ms don(na?).....He is still an assassin and therefore I should have been consulted.....
2006-01-17 [Lust]: Nahhh, he is a prostitute more or less, and right now that is what I am in control of. Soo... I guess I could of but he is more on my turf. (Or what ever its called)
2006-01-17 [Frosty French Fry]: right then....whens the cash start comin in, I gotta family to support
2006-01-17 [Lust]: We need to expand our family so we can make more money, even though our prostitue is great looking.
2006-01-17 [Frosty French Fry]: well Im getting some work in on a banner as we speak......May
2006-01-17 [Lust]: That would be great.
2006-01-17 [Frosty French Fry]: Do we have a set name? (EXAMPLE: Corleone Family) or are we not that formal
2006-01-17 [Lust]: Not yet, when more people become active we can have name's that people like, but so far no.
2006-01-17 [Frosty French Fry]: ok..just checking
2006-01-17 [Lust]: Dum de do da, I hope we get the mafia back on its feet...
2006-01-17 [Frosty French Fry]: As do I, its hard being the Head Assassin and not doing anything...I have taken small misc. side jobs, but nothing worth while
2006-01-17 [Lust]: I understand, but we do need to build.
2006-01-17 [Lust]: [Frosty French Fry] made it everyone!
2006-01-17 [Kaze]: <.<;;;; *suckles teh gun* Oh baby. <3
2006-01-17 [Lust]: Lmao! Down boy!
2006-01-17 [Kaze]: v__v *sits*
2006-01-17 [Lust]: Awww, okay! Go get em! Have fun! But no blood, or biting - to hard. I hates messes!
2006-01-17 [Kaze]: Who is Em..?
2006-01-17 [Lust]: Erm, them... Them being I have no clue.. Who ever pisses you off?
2006-01-17 [Kaze]: Yaay! Now... to runs back in time to middle school..
2006-01-17 [Frosty French Fry]: umm
2006-01-17 [Lust]: Lmao! I'm sure we can hunt them down and slotter em, just no mess in here, we dont have any maids..
2006-01-18 [the_puetzj]: can we slaughter some cows at the same time i'm hungry
2006-01-18 [Lust]: .... Leave the cows alone!!
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: Cow-tipping is fun....
2006-01-18 [Lust]: ... Freakin Mad cow!
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: whoodia whatta?
2006-01-18 [Lust]: *shurgs* Canadian..
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: ahh...that explains it all
2006-01-18 [Lust]: Lmao! Thank you, why else are all Canadians freakin insane? I <3 it!
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: I think that its all of N. America thats insane
2006-01-18 [Lust]: Lmao, if we had about 7 times the population and guns, the u.s.a wouldnt be around, but.. that wont happan o.O.. *Grumbles*
2006-01-18 [B-Raz]: I agree
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: well hey now......thats not cool.......Unf
2006-01-18 [B-Raz]: no we won't no one in the U.S sees canada as a threat so unless they do we won't invade well that or if they have alot of oil :D
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: if there is another generation of Bush boys we dont know about *which is highly likely*, then its a god given guarantee that we will
2006-01-18 [B-Raz]: yeah thats pretty true
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: The U.S. is dominant like that.....espec
2006-01-18 [B-Raz]: well don't forget dick runs bush
2006-01-18 [Lust]: The only way that anyone will invade anyone is if Canada splits up and we have a cival war, French VS English. U.S. Already promised if that was to happan they will 'deal' with it, and us how ever they find nessasary. But then it would probaly be a 4 war. It will turn out to be Enlish, French, Natives, U.S. Which would be a discrase, ebarising, pathedic. SO all in all it will probaly NEVER happan. Yes I have thought about it.
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: in all honesty...I think that it could happen....very easily....
2006-01-18 [Lust]: Ohh it could, but it wont.
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: Oh but you dont know....
2006-01-18 [Lust]: I can guess, U.S made the threat and they havnt done much sense. They are taking it serious and will do what is right for the public. If they dont, it will be a riot.
2006-01-18 [Lust]: Or so we hope.
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: ya
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: wow..the mafia talking about politics......
2006-01-18 [Lust]: We can kill them, simple as that.
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: oh no...I would rather see the country in La Cosa Nostra power than the Bushs, but we need to make the people think that the *politicians* are still in power.........
2006-01-18 [Lust]: Lmao! I like my way better though..
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: ya......I just like to be a little less obvious, seeing as how thats my job
2006-01-18 [Lust]: Your like Tim, gerr. Fine. If you can GET the money =P
2006-01-18 [Frosty French Fry]: All we have to do is *invest* a little into some legit businesses...w
2006-01-18 [the_puetzj]: either that or we can take out a contract on Bill Gates and steal his dough
2006-01-18 [Lust]: Eh, go ahead and choose
2006-01-19 [B-Raz]: well you gotta be careful with the bill gates thing cause if you have no reason to take the money legaly then he'll notice any amount you take
2006-01-19 [Lust]: Lmao!
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